Theurer Family Story

Our adoption story:
"We began trying for a family in spring of 2016, naively thinking we would be parents in no time. About a year and a half into trying to conceive, we began to undergo testing, which revealed male factor infertility for Brian. He underwent a procedure and our doctor encouraged us to keep trying. Unfortunately, the procedure did not help as much as the doctor had hoped, leaving us to consider IVF as the only realistic fertility treatment option for us. We went through 1 cycle of IVF in November/December of 2018, and were hopeful that from the 12 eggs retrieved, we would have many chances at becoming parents. By day 5, we were left with 2 little embryos, which were both transferred, but did not lead to a successful pregnancy. 
In May 2019, we were very surprised to find out that we were pregnant, naturally! It was the week of Mother’s Day and we were so excited and hopeful. Unfortunately, around 6 weeks pregnant, Natalie began to experience a miscarriage. After recovering from that mentally and emotionally, we had discussed options going forward. We decided to continue to try for a baby on our own for at least 6 months before pursuing other options. In October of 2019, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that we were once again pregnant! We were cautiously excited that we would finally get to meet one of our children, but unfortunately, it ended in another heartbreaking miscarriage at 8 weeks. 
With each roadblock and difficulty that we had faced, our hearts and minds continued to be led towards adoption. Despite how difficult this road has been, we are excited to grow our family in such a unique way. We feel that God has given us peace for choosing embryo adoption and trust that He will equip us to be not the perfect, but the right parents for whichever children may join our family. "

- Brian & Natalie Theurer

Smithfield, NC

FUNDRAISER DATES: August 1-15, 2020


Our mission is to join forces with coffee lovers by providing a giving platform to impact the poor and orphaned around the world. Thank you for helping bring change to the world, one bean at a time!